NSW has further eased restrictions for the fully vaccinated from Monday 18 October, with the State reaching its 80 per cent vaccination target over the weekend. The Government has also announced recreational regional travel will be permitted from 1 November for the fully vaccinated.
Under the eased restrictions in place from 18 October:
- up to 20 visitors (excluding children 12 and under) allowed in a home
- up to 50 people for outdoor gatherings (2-person limit for people not fully vaccinated)
- up to 3,000 people will be allowed to attend controlled and ticketed outdoor events
- up to 200 people can attend COVID Safe outdoor events, with up to 500 people can attend major recreation facilities (including stadiums, theme parks, and racecourses)
- drinking indoors and outdoors may be seated or standing and dancing permitted at hospitality venues, capacity limited still apply
- masks will no longer be required in office buildings.
- nightclubs permitted to reopen, with seated drinking and no dancing permitted
- community sport is allowed for fully vaccinated staff, spectators and participants – capacity limits apply
All premises will operate at 1 person per 4sqm indoors and 1 person per 2sqm outdoors.
Those under the age of 16 who are not fully vaccinated are allowed unaccompanied in their workplaces and all outdoor settings, but must be with a fully vaccinated member of their household in hospitality venues (unless collecting takeaways), entertainment facilities,
major recreation facilities and places of worship, unless they work at the venue.
From 1 November:
- group bookings for hospitality venues will no longer be capped at 20 people.
- travel for holidays and recreational visits including day trips between Greater Sydney (including Central Coast, Wollongong, Shellharbour and Blue Mountains) and regional NSW will be permitted for those who are fully vaccinated
For settings in regional NSW with vaccination requirements for staff and customers, staff can return to work from 11 October if they have had at least 1 dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, but must be fully vaccinated by 1 November 2021. Regional travel will not be allowed (unless for authorised purposes with an appropriate permit) until 1 November. Regional areas are those outside Greater Sydney, the Blue Mountains, Wollongong, Shellharbour and the Central Coast.
The Government said the roadmap may be further fine-tuned by NSW Health as the COVID-19 situation is monitored over coming weeks.
A number of restrictions remain in place until December 1. See the updated reopening roadmap below.
Reopening Roadmap |
Restrictions apply to people who have has both doses of the COVID vaccine. |
Restrictions apply to all NSW citizens, regardless of their vaccination status. |
Visitors | Up to 20 visitors will be allowed in a home (not including children 12 and under).
Visitors to residents in aged care facilities and disability homes permitted in line with their policies. |
No limit on the number of visitors to a home.
Visitors to residents in aged care facilities and disability homes permitted in line with their policies. |
Outdoor gatherings | Up to 50 people can continue to gather in unregulated outdoor settings (2-person limit for people not fully vaccinated)
(Those who are not fully vaccinated may only gather outdoors in groups of 2 people). |
One person per 2 sqm for indoor and outdoor settings.
No limit on the number of people who can attend informal outdoor gatherings |
Events | Up to 200 people can attend COVID Safe outdoor events
Up to 500 people or those with exemption, can attend major recreation facilities (including stadiums, theme parks, and race courses) up to 3000 people with density limit for controlled outdoor public gatherings (fenced, seated ticketed)
COVID Safe plan required for outdoor events with more than 1,000 people.
No person limit for ticketed and seated outdoor public gatherings. |
Community sport | Permitted for fully vaccinated staff, spectators and participants – capacity limits apply. | Permitted for all people. |
Retail stores | One person per 4 sqm. Non-critical retail open with density limits.
(Those who are not fully vaccinated people will continue to only have access to non-critical retail via click-and-collect).
One person per 2 sqm. Non-critical retail reopens to all
Personal services | Hairdressers, spa, nail, beauty, waxing, tattoo and massage, can operate with one person per 4 sqm (uncapped).
Intimate services premises reopen.
Hairdressers, spa, nail, beauty, waxing, tattoo and massage can operate with one person per 2 sqm (uncapped).
Intimate services can operate one person per 4 sqm. |
Hospitality venues | One person per 4 sqm inside and one person per 2 sqm outside. Drinking indoors and outdoors may be seated or standing.
Group bookings will be limited to 20 people. (Those who are not fully vaccinated can only access hospitality settings for takeaway.) From 1 November bookings for hospitality venues will no longer be capped.
One person per 2 sqm inside and outside (uncapped), with no seating required for eating and drinking.
Singing and dancing permitted indoors and outdoors. Drinking indoors and outdoors may be seated or standing. |
Gyms and indoor recreation facilities | One person per 4sqm, capped at 20 people per class.
No distance limits apply for exercise or recreation.
Indoor swimming pools open for swimming lessons, squad training, lap swimming and rehab activities.
One person per 2 sqm (uncapped). Includes indoor pools open for all purposes.
Major recreation outdoor facilities (including stadiums, racecourses, theme parks and zoo) | One person per 4 sqm, capped at 5,000 people (or by exemption).
One person per 2 sqm (uncapped). |
Entertainment facilities (including cinemas, theatres, music halls) | One person per 4 sqm or 75 per cent fixed seated capacity (whichever is larger).
No singing indoors (except for performers).
One person per 2 sqm (uncapped) |
Information and education facilities (including libraries, galleries and museums) | One person per 4 sqm. | One person per 2 sqm (uncapped). |
Amusement centres and nightclubs, strip clubs | Nightclubs and strip clubs reopen, with seated drinking and no dancing permitted | One person per 4 sqm.
Nightclubs and strip clubs open with density limit. Drinking while standing and dancing permitted.
Amusement centres reopen with density limits. |
Working from home | Employers must continue to allow employees to work from home, if reasonably practicable.
Employers must require employees who are not fully vaccinated to work from home, if reasonably practicable. |
Working from home will be at employer’s discretion. |
Education | Schools open with Level 3 COVID-19 safety measures (visit Department of Education NSW). | All year groups return to face-to-face learning. |
Weddings | One person per 4sqm (uncapped) for weddings with dancing permitted and eating and drinking allowed while standing.
(Those who are not fully vaccinated may only attend weddings with a maximum of 5 guests, no receptions).
One person per 2 sqm (uncapped) for weddings with dancing permitted and eating and drinking allowed while standing.
Funerals | One person per 4 sqm (uncapped) for funerals, with eating and drinking allowed while standing.
(Those who are not fully vaccinated may only attend funerals with a maximum of 10 people.)
One person per 2 sqm (uncapped) , with eating and drinking allowed while standing. |
Churches and places of worship | One person per 4 sqm, with no singing.
(Those who are not fully vaccinated will be allowed). Up to 10 fully vaccinated singers may perform in places of worship and at religious services.
One person per 2 sqm, with singing permitted by all.
Travel | Travel for holidays and recreational visits including day trips between Greater Sydney (including Central Coast, Wollongong, Shellharbour and Blue Mountains) and regional NSW permitted from 1 November (not permitted for people who are not fully vaccinated).
Carpooling permitted (restrictions remain for people who are not fully vaccinated).
Caravan parks and camping grounds can operate, including for those who are not fully vaccinated.
Travel between Greater Sydney and Regional NSW permitted.
Carpooling permitted for all. Caravan parks and camping grounds can operate. |
Carpooling | Permitted.
(Those who are not fully vaccinated can only carpool with their household.) |
Permitted. |
Masks | Mandatory for all indoor premises and settings, except children under 12.
Hospitality staff will be required to wear a mask while outdoors. |
Mandatory while travelling on public transport, on planes and at airports, and for front-of-house hospitality workers.
Mask wearing is not required when outdoors.
Proof of vaccination no longer required by Public Health Order.