The weel some interesting figures came from HR and payroll services provider ADP’s People at Work: A Global Workforce View study.
Days worked in overtime
- On average, workers in Australia are completing a full work day’s extra work in unpaid overtime per week (8 hours)
- Three quarters of workers are completing unpaid overtime each week, with 62% working over 5 hours per week
- Greatest sources of stress at work include increased responsibility as a result of the pandemic (35%), length of work day (30%) and job security (28%)
Pay rise demands
- Almost 1 in 2 workers expect a pay rise in the next year, while 30% expect a bonus and 30% a promotion.
- 6 in 10 workers are looking for more pay and more working hours
- 61% of workers are willing to ask for a pay rise if they feel they deserve it
The great resignation
- 68% of workers have considered a major career change in the past 12 months
- 27% of workers have considered changing industries in the past 12 months
- 18% of workers have considered starting a business in the past 12 months.
- 54% of workers would consider looking for another job If their employer insisted on workers returning to their workplace fulltime