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$25k available for Queensland businesses after four lockdowns

Queensland businesses impacted during the state’s fourth lockdown this year have access to payments of up to $25,000 to help them pay for ongoing bills and overheads, maintain their commitment to staff and plan their long-term recovery.

Announced this afternoon, the package of support comes after the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland (CCIQ) and Chambers across Queensland had been calling for a COVID-19 Hotspot Recovery Package of payments up to $25,000 since the onset of the COVID-19 economic crisis in 2020 and calls were renewed during the four Queensland lockdowns this year.

CCIQ Policy and Advocacy General Manager Amanda Rohan said the payments were a welcome relief to the hundreds of thousands of Queensland businesses who were financially and emotionally exhausted from the impact of COVID.

“These payments have not come a minute too soon for those sole-traders and businesses who we know were at their limit. Businesses have been telling us for months, and we have been telling the State Government the same thing, this lockdown was likely to have been their last if they were not offered support and certainty around their ability to recover.

“The announcement today, of a joint State and Commonwealth Governments 50/50 funding package, could mean some of those businesses who were seriously doubting their ability to continue trading in the future will be able to get back to business. At the same time we know for many Queensland businesses it’s too late, having already closed their doors due to the financial and emotional impact of COVID.


“It’s especially encouraging to know these payments will be extended to all eligible businesses who are impacted during COVID lockdowns and even those outside hotspot areas. We know while not all businesses have been in lockdown, they have been locked out with disruptions to supply chains, logistics, staffing, tourism and travel and businesses and consumer confidence. For those impacts to be acknowledged equally to businesses in hotspot areas is certainly welcome.”

Ms Rohan said CCIQ’s June Quarter Pulse Survey found more than 40% of businesses had been forced to contribute their own personal funds to keep their business afloat, on average more than $110,000.

“Those businesses were essentially funding their own support package so to know there is some support, and for some businesses it will be compensation, means they’ll be able to continue paying their bills and overheads, maintain their commitment to staff who rely on them for an income and plan their long-term recovery back to business,” she said.

“The Queensland business community is not in the clear yet because we know close to half of those we surveyed said they or their staff had experienced mental health challenges as a result of COVID. For the long-term impact of COVID on businesses to be remedied, they still need the essential certainty they  have been desperate for into lockdown and restriction decision making to ensure they have the resources they need to make decisions now about their immediate recovery and long-term decisions about the future of their businesses.”

If you or someone you know needs help contact Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.

What’s on offer:

  • A $1,000 one-off grant to non-employing sole traders across Queensland
  • Tiered payments based on payroll size for all businesses across Queensland:
    • A $5,000 one-off, top-up grant to small business with payroll of less than $1.3 million
    • A $10,000 one-off, top-up grant to medium sized business with payroll between $1.3 million and $10 million
    • A $25,000 one-off, top-up grant to large sized tourism and hospitality focused businesses with payroll of greater than $10 million

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