

How to prevent job-hunt ghosting

Being “ghosted” – cut off from all communications without an explanation – isn’t a pleasant experience in any situation. So when you’re in the middle of a job hunt – and may have poured your heart and soul into application forms and interviews – it

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Why increasing annual leave is on the table for Australia

Five weeks annual leave is an idea whose time may have come. A decade ago, a Productivity Commission inquiry into Australia’s industrial relations system, recommended governments periodically “examine whether there are any grounds for extending the existing 20 days of paid annual leave”. Now, with the Shop

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1 July 2024 changes for business

From 1 July 2024 there will be changes that you should be aware of, including changes to the National Minimum Wage, casual employment and business name and company registration fees. National Minimum Wage increase From 1 July 2024, the National Minimum Wage will increase by

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It’s time to celebrate small and family businesses

The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Bruce Billson, is encouraging Australians to celebrate World Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day on 27 June by saying thank you to small and family businesses for their contribution to our economy and our country. “These are

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How to keep your customers coming back

Find ways to improve your customer service by engaging with your customers, offering support, and asking for feedback. Great customer service can help you grow and maintain your customer base. If a customer has a positive experience with your business, they’re more likely to return

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