The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has launched its Online services for business platform which will replace the Business Portal and electronic superannuation audit tool (eSAT).
In addition to the current Business Portal functions, the new platform will provide registered users with access to new features, including:
- a payment plan
- getting copies of income tax returns
- viewing your communication history with the ATO
- navigating between Australian Business Numbers (ABNs) you manage using the ‘switch ABN’ feature
The Business Portal and eSAT will be available until later in the year to give you time to change over to Online services for business.
How to access Online services for business
Like the Business Portal, you’ll need to use myGovID and relationship authorisation manager (RAM) to sign in to Online services for business. You can access the service from multiple devices, including your smart phone or tablet.
If you don’t currently make use of myGovID and RAM, you’ll first need to set up a myGovID and then link it to your business using RAM.